Oh My God.. It's very very long time I've never post anything to my blog.
I've been very busy because the latest post I'm still do my thesis, then after graduation I go back to my home town. And after I got a job, I always go home late.. That's why I am very tired and lazy to blogging 😝
Ok guys.. Today I will give a short review about Garnier Light Complete Double Action Black Foam.. It's a old product and I already used it from the first time their launch in 2013 but I just can post it now 😁 ahahaha..
Ok semuanya.. Hari ini aku akan memberikan review singkat tentang Garnier Light Complete Double Action Black Foam ini. Ini tuh sebenernya produk lama, produk dipasarkan sekitar tahun 2013 tapi aku baru sempet ngepost -_-"
The product packaging just like below
Ini kemasannya seperti ini ya
And below is the pict from their ads
Nah klo di bawah ini aku ambil gambarnya dari iklan resmi mereka
For back description on the packaging, I am forgot to take the pict. But here is the description :
Untuk keterangan dibelakang kemasannya aku lupa ambil fotonya.. Sebagai gantinya aku kasi deskripsinya di bawah ini ya
Double action charcoal black foam.
Two ingredients for a clearer and brighter face:
1. Charcoal Carbon is natural to cleanse the skin thoroughly from dust, excess oil and dirt due to pollution.
2. Emblica extract to help brighten the face and makes it look more radiant.
How to use :
Use on a wet face, massage / massage with your fingers, rinse with water until clean.
Avoid the area around the eyes. For maximum results use also another product range from GARNIER Light Complete
1. Charcoal Carbon is natural to cleanse the skin thoroughly from dust, excess oil and dirt due to pollution.
2. Emblica extract to help brighten the face and makes it look more radiant.
How to use :
Use on a wet face, massage / massage with your fingers, rinse with water until clean.
Avoid the area around the eyes. For maximum results use also another product range from GARNIER Light Complete
Nah..biarpun bahan utama produk ini adalah Charcoal Carbon, tapi wanginya enak loh, lembut banget dan yang pastinya mengangkat semua kotoran yang ada di wajah kamu..
Will I buy this product again? Yes of course.. I still use Garnier foam till now.
The price of this product is about IDR 20.000 but I don't know is this product still produce or not.
I rate this product 4/5
Apakah aku akan membeli produk ini lagi? Ya, tentu saya.. Bahkan sampai sekarang tahun 2017 aku tetap setia menggunakan Garnier biarpun jenisnya berbeda-beda ehehe.. Dulu aku beli produk ini sekitar Rp 20.000, tapi aku ga tau ya apakah Garnier jenis ini masi di produksi apa ga.. Harusnya sih masih ada, paling cuma beda tampilan kemasan aja.
Penilaian ku untuk produk ini 4/5
Tags : Garnier, Garnier Review, Garnier Foam Review, Garnier Light Review, Garnier Light Complete Review, Garnier Light Complete Double Action Black Foam Review, Garnier Indonesia, Charcoal Carbon Foam Review, Natural Face Foam
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